20th May - 26th June 1996

Each week McSpotlight will be bringing you a brief report on the latest developments in the McLibel case.

During this period, the following witnesses gave evidence on nutrition and ill-health:

Danny Olive testified for the Defence on his experiences as a worker at McDonald's in Bath (UK).

Mr Brian Bishop, one of the 'enquiry agents' employed by McDonald's to infiltrate London Greenpeace, gave evidence about twelve of the meetings and events he had attended on behalf of McDonald's, between mid May and the end of September 1990. He confirmed he had "manned" a stall, some of the time on his own, at a "well attended" public event, where, he said, "to the best of my knowledge" the anti-McDonald's Factsheet was available for the public to take away.

At the first meeting he had attended, Mr Bishop had noted that the windows in the then London Greenpeace office "had no security locks" and that "I imagine [the next door office] is occupied 24 hours a day". Questioned as to the relevance of such information Mr Bishop denied that it was there to give advice to anybody interested in getting into London Greenpeace's office to burgle them. He did however admit to taking a letter about McDonald's which had been sent to London Greenpeace, and said he had passed it on to the detective agency. He said it would not be an unusual occurrence for an enquiry agent to take letters from the organisation being investigated, and he had not been told not to take any letters or anything else belonging to the group, and said that after handing in the letter no-one had instructed him not to do it again.

A second 'enquiry agent', Mr Roy Pocklington, who had been employed by McDonald's to infiltrate London Greenpeace said he had attended at least 26 meetings and events of LGP between October 1989 and June 1990. Questioned by Mr Rampton QC as to the group's attitude to McDonald's, Mr Pocklington said: "The group felt that McDonald's were somewhat sinister, somewhat exploitative, and their attitude was one of disgust and dislike for McDonald's". He said that people in the group appeared sincere in their beliefs. He said that the group was friendly and open but that in order to continue attending meetings he felt "it would be beneficial to show willing and help out where I could in the office". He had therefore volunteered to help answer letters sent to the group, including on one occasion spending 8 hours in the Greenpeace office writing replies, and enclosing anti-McDonald's leaflets, including the anti-McDonald's Factsheet.

Mr Pocklington agreed that he had prearranged to leave meetings talking to certain individuals in order that they could be followed home, and that he had provided a parcel of baby clothes for Mr Morris' son, in "an attempt to discover Mr Morris' address".

Two other private investigators testified for McDonald's, Allan Clare and Jack Russell. Amongst other things, Allan Clare admitted slipping the lock of the London Greenpeace office to gain entry, and then photographing all the contents of the office.

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