Day 233 - 26 03 96 - Page 10


                                                                  DAY 233
                                                  HOWARD LYMAN, Examined:
     1        choices.  As production recommendation from the land grant
     2        colleges and the government extension services became more
     3        well known, the treatment of all animals started towards
     4        the present day systems of total confinement, feeding diets
     5        that reflect surplus products, and use of many chemicals
     6        that were never known of at the time I started animal
     7        husbandry."
     9        Can you just explain what you mean by surplus products --
    10        needing diets that reflect surplus products?
    11        A.  When I was feeding cattle, all products that had
    12        feeding values were tested on animals, such things as
    13        cement dust, paper, potatoes.
    15   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   What was the second one?
    16        A.  Paper, manure.  These were things that were carried in
    17        the literature recommended to most operators, such as
    18        myself, looking at the products that were available in the
    19        area.  Say, for example, you had a damn that was being
    20        built in the area and there was contaminated cement that
    21        was available, that was free for the picking up; many
    22        people tried it, fed it.  Almost every feedlot I knew of
    23        scraped up manure and added it to the ration.  It came to
    24        the point where there was a computer service available, and
    25        this computer service, you would have all of the
    26        bi-products that were available in the area, and this would
    27        be from manufacturing bi-products, including the ones we
    28        talked about, or claypits or -- you name it.
    30        They would be listed according to their nutritive value;
    31        they would be listed according to their price; and you
    32        could go to the service, ask them to grind out a
    33        formulation of feed for your animals, and they would do
    34        that; and it would be the lowest cost ration of whatever
    35        was out there, including all of the products that we have
    36        talked about.
    38        I have personally fed all of those things that we have
    39        talked about; and that was a standard in the industry of
    40        people trying them out.  Many of them did not make sense,
    41        depending on your access to them; but almost all of them
    42        were tried.
    44   MS. STEEL:   What about slaughterhouse bi-products?
    45        A.  I lived three miles from a slaughterhouse.  When we
    46        started, we were able to -- that slaughterhouse was
    47        connected with a rendering plant.  The bi-products out of
    48        the slaughterhouse were turned into meat meal.  We started
    49        out buying that, feeding them to chickens and pigs, and
    50        then moved up to feeding them to cattle. 
    52        Today in the United States, 14 per cent of all cows by 
    53        volume are basically ground up and fed back to other cows.
    54        I have great concern that that will do the same thing in
    55        our country as the problem you are having here.
    57   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, this really is beyond the pale.  This is
    58        just a publicity stunt by the Defendants.
    60   MS. STEEL:   Feeding slaughterhouse waste to other animals has
