Day 008 - 07 Jul 94 - Page 05

     1        A.  Correct.
     2   Q.   Why then do you have a fourth criterion, environment?
              A.  Well, we value it as a business.  We, as a business,
     3        have a corporate policy on the environment.  We, as a
              business, have decided that it is something that we should
     4        take into consideration, equal consideration, with the
              other factors.
              So, basically, we view it as a basic value and commitment
     6        to the company to always make our decisions with the
              environment in mind.  And that is my job at McDonald's, if
     7        I had to summarise it in general, is to be the
              environmental advocate for the company and to get the
     8        resources in the company to properly review something
         Q.   When you became director of environmental affairs at the
    10        Corporation, did you have a predecessor in that particular
    11        A.  Yes, I did.  For the year prior to that there was
              another director of environmental affairs.
         Q.   And before that, was there such a post?
    13        A.  No.  We probably started a formal department in 1990
              and I was the second head of the department.
         Q.   Going back to 1988 when you were at Perseco, what was the
    15        actual title of the job you held at Perseco in 1988?
              A.  I was director of environmental affairs for the
    16        Perseco company.
    17   Q.   The same title as you have now at McDonald's?
              A.  That is correct.
         Q.   Why did Perseco have a director of environmental affairs?
    19        A.  The reason that I was put into that position was
              because the environmental issue through the mid-80s had
    20        escalated to a point where there were many, many people at
              the Perseco company in the mid-80's working on
    21        environmental issues in a fragmented basis, and what
              Perseco and McDonald's decided what they needed is they
    22        needed more focus on the environmental issue.  They needed
              some way they would spend 100 per cent of their time on
    23        the environmental issue versus previously it was
              fragmented within different individuals.
         Q.   Can you give a reason why it was that in about that time
    25        both companies decided that the focus on the environmental
              issue should be sharper? 
    26        A.  There were a couple of evolving issues in the 80s. 
              One was the CFC issue which was being resurged and became 
    27        public information through scientific documents in the mid
              1980s.  The other main issue on environment had to do with
    28        the whole solid waste issue.
    29        McDonald's, if we have a priority in our business, it is
              solid waste.  We use packaging.  When solid waste emerged
    30        as a significant issue in the United States, it was
              obvious to us that we needed to put more focus on that.

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