Day 010 - 11 Jul 94 - Page 04

     1        A.  That is right.
     2   Q.   That was in 1990.  Then Medical Waste Incineration: Public
              Health versus Private Profit, 1990?
     3        A.  That is correct.
     4   Q.   You have also contributed to a number of publications, one
              in 1986 Five Years of Progress: A History of the
     5        Grassroots Movement against Toxics?
              A.  That is right.
         Q.   In 1987 Recycling:  The Answer to our Garbage Problem
     7        published by CCHW?
              A.  That is right.
         Q.   1987, How to Deal with Trouble which is also published by
     9        the Citizens Clearing House for Hazardous Waste?
              A.  That is correct.
         Q.   Also in 1987 the Solid Waste Action Project Guide Book?
    11        A.  Yes.
    12   Q.   In 1988 Drinking Water: An Endangered Resource?
              A.  That is correct.
         Q.   Also in the same year Drinking Water Filters:  What You
    14        Need To Know?
              A.  That is true.
         Q.   1989, Using your Right to Know, which was also published
    16        by the Citizens Clearing House for Hazardous Waste?
              A.  Yes.
         Q.   Radon: Problems and Solutions published by CCHW?
    18        A.  Yes.
    19   Q.   And also Taking on Toxics, which was published last year,
              Taking on Toxics, Essential Information?
    20        A.  That is right.
    21   Q.   You have also written a number of articles.  I will not
              read all those out.  By and large, they concern pollution
    22        and waste disposal?
              A.  That is correct.
         MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Have you decided how you want to go through
    24        Mr. Lipsett's evidence?
    25   MISS STEEL:  Yes.  You have also been involved in workshops and
              presentations and training sessions on similar issues of 
    26        pollution and waste disposal? 
              A.  That is correct. 
         Q.   Going back to your time at the Citizens Clearing House for
    28        Hazardous Waste, it is right, is it not, that your job
              included direct personal and phone contact with Grassroots
    29        leaders all over the USA, Europe, Asia and other parts of
              the world?
    30        A.  That is correct.

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