Day 056 - 28 Nov 94 - Page 06

     1   Q.   So, their interests would be represented as part of a
     2        general representation of the industry?
     3        A.  I think to put it in this way, the paper making
     4        industry is represented on the Advisory Council but being a
     5        council to discuss matters, it is not that we actually make
     6        decisions on their behalf; we listen to the advice that
     7        they would give us on issues that we feel and they feel
     8        should be attended to, and these are issues about the
     9        sources of material and the continuing sustainability of
    10        resources of those materials worldwide.
    12   Q.   But the industry, broadly, that you described that you
    13        represent through the Advisory Council of "Forests Forever"
    14        would include paper makers?
    15        A.  It would include paper makers though their
    16        representative body which is The Forestry Industry
    17        Committee of Great Britain.
    19   Q.   And packaging manufacturers?
    20        A.  No.
    22   Q.   Not packaging manufacturers?
    23        A.  No.
    25   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  When I said "anyone who has a commercial
    26        interest in timber", you, in effect, added the words
    27        "except those who actually made packaging products"?
    28        A.  That is right.
    30   Q.   That was the effect of your answer?
    31        A.  That was the effect of my reply.
    33   MR. MORRIS:  I am going to work through your statement.  But
    34        before I do so -- if we look at your statement it is headed
    35        "The Environmentally Beneficial and Sustainable Source of
    36        Packaging and Paper".  Is that your summary of what you
    37        believe the present forest and forestry situation is in
    38        this country, it is environmentally beneficial and
    39        sustainable, or is that just a heading?
    40        A.  It is a heading rather than a summary.
    42   Q.   It is not a statement.  Let me just quote something you may
    43        know.  Do you know there was a conference in Helsinki on
    44        16th/17th June 1993 on the protection of forests in Europe?
    45        A.  Yes.
    47   Q.   You are aware of that conference.  Do you know who was
    48        running that conference, organising it, under what auspices
    49        was it organised?
    50        A.  This is a forestry based conference in which the forest 
    51        industries and, in particular, the timber growing side at 
    52        government level in most of the countries of Europe have 
    53        been involved, and it is only one of several stages of
    54        forest reviews.
    56   Q.   The UK government became a signatory to the resolutions
    57        following that conference, did they?
    58        A.  Yes, the representation from the UK was through the
    59        Forestry Commission, a Forestry Authority official was
    60        there and a government involvement was very close to that

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