Day 058 - 30 Nov 94 - Page 05

     1        thinnings as yearly thinnings?
     2        A.  He is making the presumption that 40 hectares is
     3        equivalent to the 40 year cycle, so that one hectare a year
     4        is the same as the 40 years of the total cycle for an
     5        individual tree.
     7   Q.   Yes.
     9   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I do not understand that.  It may well be my
    10        fault.  Can you try again in another way?
    11        A.  He has said that the yield of one hectare over a 40
    12        year cycle is 480 metre cube, my Lord, and, therefore, what
    13        he is saying is, if you have 40 hectares, you have
    14        individual hectares, each of which will produce 480 metre
    15        cube over that period of 40 years.
    17   MR. MORRIS:  Within that 480 cubic metres he has included three
    18        times 60 cubic metres plus 300 cubic metres from the clear
    19        fell.  So, is he saying that there will be three thinnings
    20        each year which is the only conclusion I can draw?
    21        A.  No.
    23   Q.   Unless that is an error?
    24        A.  No, he is looking at the 40 year period of the growth
    25        of the trees, and he is saying that within that time there
    26        will be three thinnings, each of which will produce 60
    27        metre cube, and then finally there will be a clear fell
    28         -----
    30   Q.   From the one acre?
    31        A.  Yes, taken on 40 years, that one hectare in 40 years
    32        will produce that amount of timber.
    34   Q.   60 cubic metres?
    35        A.  So, if there are 40 hectares it will produce 40 times
    36        that amount of timber in 40 years.
    38   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  He is starting with one hectare of typical
    39        forest, is he?
    40        A.  Yes, yes.  He is saying that that one hectare will
    41        yield over 40 years that volume of timber in total, so 40
    42        hectares.
    44   Q.   The difficulty I have with that is where the 300 cubic
    45        metres from clear fell comes from then?
    46        A.  In the final cutting.
    48   Q.   I see.
    49        A.  So, at the end of the 40th year that one isolated
    50        hectare will be clear felled --- 
    52   Q.   And you start the whole cycle again? 
    53        A.  -- and in the clear felling it produces 300 metre cube,
    54        so taken together with the -----
    56   Q.   So if you take the single hectare over its 40 year cycle,
    57        during that 40 year cycle you will obtain 180 cubic metres
    58        from thinnings?
    59        A.  Yes.

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