Day 060 - 02 Dec 94 - Page 05

     1        I will not even make the good points I had in mind in the
     2        first place" because there will be a complete log jam.
     4        So, there we are; carry on with your cross-examination.
     5        Come to any of the documents you handed in yesterday
     6        whenever it suits you, come back to the press cuttings, if
     7        you wish, in the appropriate fashion after the mid-day
     8        adjournment.
    10   MR. MORRIS (To the witness):  Just the recycling:  In your
    11        knowledge or understanding, the recycling scheme, the pilot
    12        recycling scheme or the recycling schemes, apart from
    13        Germany, is the situation the same in other countries that
    14        the material is, in fact, not recycled by the company
    15        having been separated by the customers?
    16        A.  Do you have any particular countries in mind?
    18   Q.   Any countries where you know there is some recycling, some
    19        separation going on by customers; are you aware of any
    20        country where the separation, apart from Germany, is
    21        actually being recycled by the company?
    22        A.  In the two trials that I know of, which is Sweden and
    23        Switzerland which we talked about yesterday, a pilot scheme
    24        was put into Sweden in conjunction with the Norwegian
    25        Government.  Lab tests were carried out on incineration of
    26        foam packaging to look at pollution levels.  It was decided
    27        that the trial should continue.  The pollution levels were
    28        not excessive.
    30        However, the Swedish company some time after that date
    31        decided not to use foam packaging in the future and to use
    32        cardboard clam shell packaging.  So, obviously, the test
    33        was discontinued there, so there was no need to recycle any
    34        material any more because they were using cardboard clam
    35        shells.  In the case of Switzerland -----
    37   Q.   Why is it not necessary to recycle paper packaging as well
    38        as styrene?
    39        A.  They recycled paper, but not foam.
    41   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I think he has focused in on polystyrene.
    42        A.  The question was polystyrene, I think.
    44   MR. MORRIS:  I was just assuming that if there is separation,
    45        then presumably the paper can be recycled by the company as
    46        well as the styrofoam?
    47        A.  The company does not do the recycling, but the paper is
    48        recycled by the manufacturer, yes.
    50   Q.   By McDonald's? 
    51        A.  Not by McDonald's, no. 
    53   Q.   No.  But what I am saying is that when the waste was
    54        separated in Sweden -- I do not know if it is still being
    55        separated -- when the packaging is put back into the bin,
    56        it then gets taken by McDonald's to a recycling plant, does
    57        it?
    58        A.  The pilot plant only concerned foam packaging.
    60   Q.   I see.

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