Day 067 - 15 Dec 94 - Page 04

     2   Q.   About the same.  Do you know what the percentage of the
     3        total McDonald's usage of beef in Guatemala constitutes?
     4        A.  Yes, less than one per cent.
     6   Q.   Less than one per cent.  Thank you very much, Dr. Gomez
     7        Gonzalez.  Would you remain there, please?
     8        A.  You are welcome.
    10   MS. STEEL:  Is it possible to have five minutes just to sort
    11        things out?
    13   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.  How long do you need?  I am quite happy
    14        to sit here for a couple of minutes.  If I leave for five
    15        minutes I have to walk half way around the building and
    16        back.
    18   MS. STEEL:  OK.
    20   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, I would only say this -- it may be none
    21        of my business; your Lordship will tell me if it is not --
    22        I would much rather that the Defendants have five or 10
    23        minutes now than we have what I call hiatuses of the kind
    24        that we so often have during the course of the hearing.
    26   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes, very well.  I will ask, thank you.  How
    27        long do you think you will need to get sorted out?  Quite
    28        frankly, if you know you are going to start to
    29        cross-examine within a few minutes as you might have done
    30        this morning, I would rather you asked Mr. Styles when he
    31        appears in court shortly before half past 10.  I would
    32        obviously much rather you got yourself fully organised
    33        before half past 10 but, having said that, how much do you
    34        really need now?
    36   MS. STEEL:   Maybe 10 minutes would be a good idea.
    38   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I will come back at ten to 11.
    40                       (Short Adjournment)
    42                   Cross-examined by the Defendants.
    44   MR. MORRIS:  There is just something to bring up (which we
    45        apologise for), we have some documents from Tyson's plant
    46        in America which we had mislaid.  That is an apology to the
    47        other side.
    49   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  You mean, you have had them for sometime but
    50        you have lost them? 
    52   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.  To be honest, we had forgotten all about 
    53        them.  We did not realise this witness was so immersed in
    54        these kinds of issues.  Obviously, we do not want to put
    55        them to the witness until he has had a chance to see them.
    56        We have only one copy to give to the Plaintiffs to have a
    57        look at.  I do not know if we will be able to copy them all
    58        ourselves over lunch.  There are about 50 pages.
    60   MR. RAMPTON:  In that case, I would ask that your Lordship

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