Day 069 - 19 Dec 94 - Page 04

     1        an animal welfare policy and, if so, what its terms are ---
     3   MR. RAMPTON:  That is right.
     5   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  -- and when it came into effect.
     7   MR. RAMPTON:  That is right.  One cannot tell when it came into
     8        effect.
    10   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No.  But if it relates to anything, that will
    11        be one of the topics that the documents might relate to.
    12        That is one of the topics either you have yet to deal with
    13        completely or that you might well want to come back to in
    14        the light of whatever is contained in these documents.
    16        What I suggest is that you proceed with your joint
    17        cross-examination, leaving that topic on one side, if you
    18        wish, because if you are not going to complete your
    19        cross-examination of Dr. Gomez Gonzalez today and Dr. Gomez
    20        Gonzalez has to come back at some time in the future, that
    21        means you will have ample time to look at these documents,
    22        and if, reading them, it occurs to you there may be yet
    23        others, to request that the others are looked for.  Do you
    24        understand?
    26        If we were to make good progress today and it looked as if
    27        there was any possibility of you completing all of your
    28        cross-examination of Dr. Gomez Gonzalez, then we might have
    29        to think about giving you some time to look at these
    30        first.  But if we start on that basis, we will see how we
    31        go.
    33   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, the other matter I would like to raise
    34        is, on the other hand, no fault of McDonald's.  I use the
    35        word "fault" neutrally.  It is the fault of Defendants, in
    36        that they lost these documents or overlooked them for a
    37        period of six months.  In relation to that bundle of
    38        documents which the Defendants handed in the other day,
    39        Dr. Gomez Gonzalez has now had a chance to go through them,
    40        and he knows what they are.
    42        First, I would submit that I ought to be entitled anyway to
    43        ask him questions in chief about them, since I would have
    44        that opportunity if they had been disclosed at the proper
    45        time, six months ago; second, because in the end it will
    46        save time because, to a large extent, they do not speak for
    47        themselves, they have to be explained, and it will obviate
    48        what I might call politely one of Mr. Morris' voyages of
    49        discovery if I am able to ask some questions -- just by way
    50        of explanation, really, and amplification -- of 
    51        Dr. Gomez Gonzalez in chief. 
    53   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  That relates, really, to the documents which
    54        came under cover of -----
    56   MR. RAMPTON:  That is right, my Lord.  Only those documents, the
    57        letter from the Freedom of Information Act people in
    58        America, Mr. Stafko.
    60   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Mr. Stafko.  What do you say about that?  The

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