Day 104 - 15 Mar 95 - Page 05

     1        A.  I am almost sorry to say.
     3   Q.   Until 1965, apart from a period in the Royal Air Force
     4        where you had responsibilities in those areas, I think, you
     5        worked continuously for local authorities?
     6        A.  I did, yes.
     8   Q.   In various capacities, in particular, as what became an
     9        Environmental Health Officer?
    10        A.  That is correct.
    12   Q.   Is that right?  Have you taught environmental health
    13        matters?
    14        A.  Yes, I have.  In particular, matters relating to the
    15        meat inspection, meat hygiene and the regulations related
    16        to those subjects.
    18   Q.   Though, Mr. Bennett, you may not be a scientist, do you
    19        have some knowledge of microbiology?
    20        A.  Yes, I am not a microbiologist but I do have knowledge
    21        of that subject.
    23   Q.   Are you a Fellow of the Royal Society of Health?
    24        A.  Yes, I am.
    26   Q.   When did you become a Fellow of the Royal Society of
    27        Health?
    28        A.  First in 1965 -- I am sorry, could I correct that,
    29        1968, I remember the occasion, 1968.
    31   Q.   1965, thirty years ago, was when you first joined private
    32        industry; is that right?
    33        A.  That is correct.
    35   Q.   Rank Hovis McDougal, I think?
    36        A.  Yes.
    38   Q.   As a regional health inspector?
    39        A.  That is right.
    41   Q.   Did you help set up their occupational health service?
    42        A.  Yes.
    44   Q.   Is that for the care of the employees or the food that they
    45        were making?
    46        A.  It was complete service relating both to employees,
    47        employee conditions of work and related matters, and also
    48        product hygiene -- a complete package, if you like.
    50   Q.   Their business was, perhaps, in those days, I do not know, 
    51        based on flour, was it? 
    52        A.  Yes, flour, animal feeds and flour products, bread, 
    53        obviously.
    55   Q.   When was the first time you worked for a meat company?
    56        A.  In 1967.
    58   Q.   You moved to FMC?
    59        A.  Yes.

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