Day 108 - 27 Mar 95 - Page 05

     2   MR. RAMPTON:  Nor am I.  I do not know if your Lordship would
     3        just like to look at it.  I have a copy.
     5   MS. STEEL:  It is actually document 113 on the original list of
     6        documents.
     8   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.  Very well, thank you.  I will hand it
     9        back to you because, unless it has been purchased
    10        somewhere, it is well overdue from the public library which
    11        it was taken out from some 16 months ago.
    13   MS. STEEL:  The patrons of of FAWN, have they included the
    14        Countess of Huntingdon and the Bishop of Salisbury?
    15        A.  Yes, the Countess of Huntingdon has stopped being a
    16        patron through ill-health, but the Bishop of Salisbury who
    17        is now retired since last October is still our patron,
    18        although no longer the Bishop of Salisbury.
    20   Q.   Was Chickens' Lib awarded the prestigious Lord Erskine
    21        award by the RSPCA in 1991?
    22        A.  Yes.
    24   Q.   What was that for?
    25        A.  It was for -- I cannot remember the exact wording --
    26        furthering the cause of humane husbandry systems, I think,
    27        to that effect.  I cannot remember the exact wording, I am
    28        afraid, but we have the certificate.
    30   Q.   Right, yes.  The certificate is in the documents that were
    31        served this morning.  I do not know whether they are in the
    32        right order or not,
    34   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What I will do, unless someone has a better
    35        suggestion -----
    37   MR. RAMPTON:  Mrs. Brindley-Codd, my Lord, suggests volume 1B,
    38        section B, tab 3 behind the statement of Mrs. Druce.
    40   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I will put it behind the documents which I
    41        have there, the last of which at the moment is the article
    42        on Tysons in the States.  I will put the RSPCA -----
    44   MR. MORRIS:  It may be better to put them -----
    46   MS. STEEL:  The certificate would be good to put it behind the
    47        statement, but -- I suppose it is too late to change them
    48         -- in some ways the other documents might be better to be
    49        in the supplementary bundle V.  I am happy for it to go
    50        behind the statement. 
    52   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I will put them there for the time being 
    53        simply because I will get lost if I move the other
    54        documents to another file.
    56   MS. STEEL:  Right.
    58   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  On the basis that all three are going to go
    59        in, I will put the bundles clipped with the RSPCA
    60        certificate first.  I will put the title sheet to the House

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