Day 113 - 03 Apr 95 - Page 06

     1        A.  My subject was Organic and Biochemistry.  It was
     2        actually a subject involving Plant Biochemistry at the
     3        University of Cambridge.
     5   Q.   I regret that I am not familiar with the others; AIC is?
     6        A.  That is the Associateship of the Institute of Chemistry
     7        which I took by exam.  It is now actually the Royal
     8        Institute of Chemistry, but this was quite a long time
     9        ago.  The other one which I think you may be looking at is
    10        the FRSH which is the Fellowship of the Royal Society of
    11        Health.
    13   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.
    15   MR. MORRIS:  So, your particular concerns -- let us go through:
    16        What was your main professional position before you
    17        retired?
    18        A.  I was an organic and biochemist working particularly
    19        with antibiotics, anti-infective compounds, for use in
    20        medical and veterinary therapy.  I also did a stint of
    21        research in what I might calling endocrine matters, that
    22        is, to do with hormones and glands, steroids, cortical
    23        steroids mainly.  I did that in industry.  I finished up as
    24        a section leader in the research department at Glaxo
    25        laboratories.
    27   Q.   How many years did you work for Glaxo?
    28        A.  44 -- man and boy.
    30   Q.   You included veterinary amongst your responsibilities,
    31        could you just explain that a bit?
    32        A.  Yes, because therapy that is used by doctors is very
    33        often used by vets.  Obviously, what we discover for human
    34        treatments will apply to vets.  Many of the diseases are
    35        similar.  Some of the diseases are actually called zoonosis
    36        which means they are not transmitted between animals of
    37        different species amongst which are the humankind.
    39   Q.   Is it true that you have organised scientific conferences
    40        in that field?
    41        A.  I have.  I have helped to organise them.  I must say,
    42        I have not answered all the questions and filled in the
    43        forms, but I have engaged the speakers nationally and
    44        internationally.
    46   Q.   Have you lectured at International Scientific symposia?
    47        A.  Yes, I have.
    49   Q.   That is in that kind of field, is it?
    50        A.  Yes. 
    52   Q.   Have you written research papers? 
    53        A.  Yes.  I have written a number with my colleagues, my
    54        teams, for referee scientific journals published in this
    55        country and in other countries.
    57   Q.   That was in the field which you identified as your
    58        professional field?
    59        A.  Yes.

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