Day 142 - 26 Jun 95 - Page 05

     1        grievances to do with pay and conditions?
     2        A.  I was just generally informed that this one individual
     3        had some concerns; that it was not something that applied
     4        to the crew in general, and that the crew was not
     5        interested in this individual or what he was doing.
     7   Q.   Are you aware that McDonald's in Beijing had hired almost
     8        three times as many employees as they needed for that store
     9        and as a result people were getting very, very few hours
    10        scheduled?
    11        A.  I am hearing several questions in one.
    13   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I would like you to put it again and do not
    14        say, "Are you aware that?" because that sounds as if it is
    15        so.  If you are asking Mr. Stein about the facts, say, "Is
    16        it right that?"
    18   MR. MORRIS:  Is it right that the Company hired three times as
    19        many employees as they needed for that store first?
    20        A.  I do not want to get into English and American/English,
    21        the number -- so, I beg, my Lord, if I can try to
    22        articulate and if there is any confusion we can deal with
    23        it -- the number of employees that were hired for that
    24        store was the right number of employees that should have
    25        been hired at the time the hiring was done.
    27   MR. MORRIS:  For that store?
    28        A.  For that store and also -- no, let me add on to it --
    29        and for additional stores that were anticipated to be
    30        coming on stream, if you will, shortly thereafter.
    32   Q.   But they did not come on stream, did they?
    33        A.  There was a delay in them coming on board, but that
    34        became known after the fact.
    36   Q.   So the reality is that the people that were hired, that you
    37        say were hired, for that store in the correct numbers had
    38        greatly reduced hours as a consequence; that would be
    39        logical, would it not?
    40        A.  No, it is not logical.  You are using words that
    41        I cannot agree with.  I know that there was an interest not
    42        for anyone to lose their job over it and there were
    43        guaranteed hours given to the crew, so we would not go
    44        below the guarantees.  I know that from general information
    45        that we incurred extra expense over and above what we
    46        needed so we could live up to our agreement.
    48   Q.   What was the guaranteed hours?
    49        A.  I do not have that much detail.  I do not know.  I just
    50        know in general how it was handled, as I have just 
    51        articulated, but I cannot give you a specific number. 
    53   Q.   But if three times as many employees as were needed for a
    54        particular store all had guaranteed hours, then we can
    55        assume that it was something like a third of what the
    56        normal average hours worked would be, something like that?
    57        A.  I think you are making a lot of assumptions upon
    58        assumptions upon assumptions, and I do not agree with what
    59        you are saying.

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