Day 209 - 25 Jan 96 - Page 05

     2   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I am sure he has better things to do with his
     3        time, and I certainly have.  Right, Mr. Logan, would you
     4        like to come to the witness box, please?
     6                     MICHAEL PHILLIP LOGAN, sworn
     7                      Examined by the Defendants
     9   MR. MORRIS:  Mr. Logan, just a couple of introductory
    10        questions:  can you give the court your full name?
    11        A.  Michael Phillip Logan.
    13   Q.   Can you speak loudly and slowly?
    14        A.  Michael Phillip Logan.
    16   Q.   You live in Bath, do you?
    17        A.  Yes.
    19   Q.   Can you tell us the years you worked at the Bath McDonald's
    20        store?
    21        A.  Between 19 -- it is quite difficult to remember -- 1990
    22        or 1991 to the end of 1994, and I had a period of five
    23        months where I was not working for McDonald's.
    25   Q.   How old are you?
    26        A.  26.
    28   Q.   Before you worked at McDonald's, have you ever worked in
    29        any other jobs?
    30        A.  Yes.  When I was younger, I worked for Trusthouse Forte
    31        when I was 16 to when I was about 18.  That was only on a
    32        part-time basis.
    34   Q.   We might come back to that a bit later.  When you started
    35        at McDonald's -- are there two stores in Bath?
    36        A.  Only one.
    38   Q.   Only one.  When you started at McDonald's, what was your
    39        position?
    40        A.  I was a crew member.
    42   Q.   Were you full-time or part-time?
    43        A.  I was part-time.  I was at college doing a BA, and
    44        I joined -----
    46   Q.   Did you complete your degree?
    47        A.  Yes, but I joined McDonald's, I think, in the Easter of
    48        my first year, I think, because I was short of money, so
    49        I was doing night shifts then.
    51   Q.   So you started while you were doing your degree, which you 
    52        achieved, did you? 
    53        A.  Yes.
    55   Q.   Then when did you become full-time?
    56        A.  Well, I was full-time during the summers of the years I
    57        was at college, and then when I left college I joined
    58        McDonald's full-time.
    60   Q.   Which was about, what time was that?

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