Day 265 - 19 Jun 96 - Page 06

     1        A.   New bodies, yes, I think a few, in that there is now a
     2        general tendency for countries to come out with
     3        recommendations specifically on diet and cancer.  I think I
     4        may have said before that I was aware, as is reflected in
     5        the WHO blue book, Diet and Nutrition and Prevention of
     6        Chronic Diseases, that national statements specifically on
     7        diet and cancer have been issued by various bodies, and in
     8        the States I think about six bodies, either governmental or
     9        quasi-governmental or otherwise authoritative in Canada,
    10        and I am not sure if I said before in Australia although
    11        that is now so.  Additionally, in Japan.
    13             That is on old document that goes back to the 1980's,
    14        and generally what happens is that when a country gets --
    15        when such a statement is issued in a country by such bodies
    16        it will tend to be updated from time to time.  So that, for
    17        example, the National Cancer Institute and the American
    18        Cancer Society will issue position statements based on the
    19        science as they understand it from time to time.  Every
    20        two, three, four, five years, or something of that sort.
    22   MR. MORRIS:  The machine is bleeping away.
    23        (Problem with noisy computer)
    25   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Forget the machine, you do not need it.
    27   MR. MORRIS:  It is annoying.
    29   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Well, turn it off.  (Pause)
    30        A.  And the same point applies in Europe.  The body in
    31        Europe that has issued a position statement -- or one of
    32        the bodies in Europe has, I should say -- is the EU-backed
    33        so-called Europe Against Cancer Campaign which issues what
    34        they call the ten commandments, which I think is a slightly
    35        ferocious way of putting it, but there are ten general
    36        recommendations on how to prevent cancer, I think four of
    37        which from memory are related in some way or other to diet,
    38        and that Europe Against Cancer Guide is updated from time
    39        to time and has been updated recently.  It was last updated
    40        about six months ago, and is not materially different from
    41        what it was.
    43   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I think I have got to bring an end to this
    44        because I cannot judge whether the meaning as I have now
    45        defined it is justified according to whether this body or
    46        that body has said this or that, quite frankly.  I mean, in
    47        so far as someone who I treat as an expert, and I put over
    48        the question of whether I can treat Mr. Cannon as an expert
    49        because I do not want to have protracted argument about it
    50        now, adopts what is in a report then I can take it into 
    51        account, but I cannot just abrogate my judgment to bodies 
    52        around the world who come to this conclusion or that 
    53        conclusion.  I might just as well not come into Court.
    55   MR. MORRIS:  Well, my understanding is that part of the -- I
    56        thought it was still part of the case whether such and such
    57        and opinion is an established medical fact.
    59   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No, that was in the leaflet but it forms no
    60        part of my meaning unless I have completely forgotten

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