Day 265 - 19 Jun 96 - Page 07

     1        something in my meaning.  I have not looked it up again.
     2        It just is not in my meaning.
     4   MR. MORRIS:  Right.  In terms of
     6   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   Can we not turn that laptop off?
     7        (Noisy computer in court)
     9   MR. MORRIS:  I will come to your third statement, Mr. Cannon,
    10        dated--
    12   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   Have you actually read the meaning of this
    13        now as I defined it?
    14        A.   Yes, my Lord, but can you remind me of the particular
    15        point that you are making now?
    17   Q.   Well, the particular point is, it seems to me that Mr.
    18        Morris thinks that what bodies around the world have said
    19        and whether there is a general consensus is relevant
    20        because the leaflet referred to it being accepted medical
    21        fact.
    22        A.   Yes.
    24   Q.   Whereas accepted medical fact did not play any part in the
    25        meaning which I have said is the meaning of this part of
    26        the leaflet.  So, in any event, I very much doubt whether
    27        what the World Health Organisation has said or what a COMA
    28        report says can actually help me on any of the issues I
    29        have got in this case in so far as someone who is an expert
    30        says "I adopt what they have said there".  Now, I am
    31        prepared to treat you as an expert in the sense that I am
    32        prepared to hear your evidence, though in due course I will
    33        have to decide whether in law you are an expert, and it is
    34        difficult and complicated.
    36             But whether or not you are what a lawyer would see as
    37        an expert for the purposes of giving evidence, it does not
    38        help to say necessarily that everybody is agreeing.  Now
    39        you have got the basis of that, I just do not want you to
    40        dwell on it.
    42   MR. MORRIS:  OK.
    44   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Mr. Rampton may ask questions on it if he
    45        wants to.
    47   MR. MORRIS:  Right.  If we come to the third statement, 11th
    48        June, 1996, and I will read it out.  If there is anything
    49        that is incorrect or needs clarification, please stop me at
    50        the end of the paragraph.  Otherwise, I will ask you two or 
    51        three questions at the end. 
    53        "Further statement of Geoffrey Cannon on diet, cancer and
    54        other diseases and the role of McDonald's foods.
    55        This statement is additional to my previous statements to
    56        the Court dated 21st July 1993 and 27th September 1994,
    57        which are enclosed and remain valid.  I apologise to the
    58        Court for the late delivery of this new statement
    59        preparatory to my appearance as an expert witness called by
    60        the Defence."

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