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On the Divine

Posted by: DrCruel on March 06, 1999 at 17:11:07:

In Reply to: Is it not obvious? posted by Robert on March 05, 1999 at 17:26:43:

We can go in circles forever in matters spiritual. How about this simple paradigm?

I am a Christian. I know God exists. It is not open to debate. I know that God is omnipotent and omniscient, by definition.

There is a paradox, asking - "Can God create a stone that He cannot lift?" The answer must be yes, of course. He can also lift it, without contradiction. He is God, and to Him all things are possible. All well and good.

God transcends logic. He is not bound by its confines. I, however, am. I cannot defy logic except at my physical peril, and as I wish to maintain my existance as a living organism a bit longer before journeying to my 'eternal reward', I believe in those theories it implies. Of of those theories is evolution.

Does that mean I 'know' evolution is correct? No, of course not. As a Christian, I 'know' creation is true. Any scientist would tell you his commitment to evolutionary theory is tentative, based on the prevailing evidence. It best resolves the data we have collected, predicts other phenomenon very well, and is otherwise a very useful system of understanding biological systems. If a better system is devised, I will 'believe' in that, and afflict my colleagues with this new theory, as it best serves my material interests. But when I try to understand my mundane environment, it is what I understand to be tru, rather than what I 'know', that judges my efforts. This is so as much in politics as in matters scientific. To do otherwise, to see as God would 'see', is to court madness.

When considering the Divine, always I apply it to the moral, never to the scientific. Matters of the spirit govern the heart, not the world of cold physics, and for us to attempt to understand Biblical teachings as we understand simple mathematical constructs is arrogance. Or the Koran, for that matter. Or the sacred texts of Hindus. Or Buddhist koans (which, in and of themselves, codify this simple truth).

I have my God, and you have Yours. They will reveal their will, in their own sweet time. Until then, let us not behave with hubris. The earth is a place for logic and strict mental discipline, of rigorous attention to facts and hard realities of matter and energy. We only need humor the scientist for a few brief decades; after our span here is finished, there will be plenty of time to 'dance on pinheads', so to speak.

In any case, I'd rather that than have angels dancing on mine. Enough of this spiritual diversion - the world is unfinished. Back to work!

God made the world imperfect, so that I may have my share in the Glory of Creation. -Niccoli Machiavelli

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