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You think McDonalds won't infiltrate India? Think again.

Posted by: Nikhil Jaikumar ( EFZ, MA, USA ) on May 04, 1999 at 11:31:18:

In Reply to: They could have made it decent toys at least posted by Lark on April 28, 1999 at 14:32:11:

: I couldnt see Mchistorians plagerising your other link though.

: --
: McSpotlight: Nor can I, given that most Hindus are vegetarian...

Disney will probably plagiarize it if McDonald doesn't. Capitalist companies have very little creativity, therefore they fidn it necessary to plagiarize the writings of men smarter than they are.

By the way, McDonalds is in India now. They get around the beef restrictions by serving lamb instead of beef. It's true that the majority of Hindus don't eat meat, but this is primarily for economic reasons. Possibly up to 70 percent of Hindus have no moral objection to eating meat- they simply can't afford it. Even though only a tiny minority of Indians can afford to eat at McDonalds, 1 percent of a billion is still 10 million- that's a McDonalds market the size of Michigan, right there.

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