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Historic Notable.

Posted by: BASE727{mad cow patrol} ( L.S-A.P., Canada ) on October 03, 1999 at 19:34:45:

TORONTO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1927 {THE GLOBE} Trotsky Is Expelled From International On Charge Of Slander
Leader of Russian Revoltion and M. Vuyovich, one of his Aides in recent fight, Are to go
(associated press cable)
Moscow September 30- Leon Trotsky leader of the Russian Revolution and M. Vuyovich one of his aides in the opposition fight against Joseph Stalin and the Central Communist Committee were expelled from the Communist Internatiol today by unanimous decision of the Communist Iternational Presidium. Trotsky was haled before the Diciplinary Commitee convened after the discovery of secret printing plants and the expulsion of 14 oppositionists from the party.

Trotsky Statement
Trotsky declared bureaucratic dicipline founded on "false polical precepts offers no weapon for unity, but dissorganization and split" . "In their politics these men tower over those who conceal their crimes under party dicipline. Nowadays no organization deliberates or decides : all they do is carry out orders. Even the Prsidium of the Communist International is no exception". Trotsky ended by accusing the Stalin and Bukarin group of placing the question of survival above everything else. He hurled such accusations as "Bonapartist forgeries , Thermidorian policy".

After Trotsky's speech , the Presidium passed a resolution for his immediate expulsion.
Found something today so I thought I would share it with everybody


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