- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Very little

Posted by: MDG on January 10, 19100 at 16:19:49:

In Reply to: A little criticism posted by Stoller on January 10, 19100 at 10:40:48:

: I'm only stepping in here because I think it's constructive to show how imperious you can be when talking (down) to people. Weren't you the one who once called a post to SDF 'blow me'? I think a litle house-cleaning might be in order for you, mister.

: As far as ecology goes, how about a COMMON SENSE approach? Like, 'Frenchy, if the environment is OK like you say it is, why is water for sale now when it pours out of our taps freely?' I think Frenchy appreciates information that he can touch; I know I do.

Pick a fight with someone who's interested, Barry. As I've said before, as far as I'm concerned, there is no use whatsoever in my corresponding with you.

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