- McLibel -

Re: stop bashing McDonald's, positives outnumber negatives

Posted by: Gideon Hallett ( UK ) on April 18, 1997 at 19:25:56:

In Reply to: stop bashing McDonald's, positives outnumber negatives posted by Melissa Mattox on April 18, 1997 at 13:42:19:

> I don't understand all this negative up roar about Mc Donald's.

Could it be because McD's are trying to use their commercial clout to violate our right to free speech (that's the First Amendment to you)?

> Does Burger King have a Burger King House that donates millions of
> dollars to children in need, NO! I, being a Ronald Mc Donald House
> volunteer and the daughter of a Mc Donald's owner/operator, feel
> that the company needs more recognition for it's contributions to
> the community.

Yes, indeedy. We've been grossly unfair to McD's in ignoring their contribution to society for so long. So, to amend that, let's have a big warm hand for the following:

Mr. McRubbish! Welcome all that unreusable trash that McD's continue to package their "food" in. Admire the stately dumps he calls his own! Gasp in awe at the work he gives to all those otherwise unemployed street cleaners!

The lovely twins, Ms McIllness and Ms McMonoculture! See how McMonoculture's basic unhealthiness provides plenty of McIllness!

They're lead, of course, by their older sister Miss McInformation (or should that be Mc MisInformation?) who does her best to persuade the world that McD's is somehow healthy and sustainable as a food for people and the planet. She's got a big job there.

Next on is McDevastation, a cheeky little fellow whose speciality is destroying things, from rainforests in Brazil to small restaurants in Finland, whose pet cows get literally everywhere. Watch that methane, McDevastation, it's a greenhouse gas!

And our final guest for the day is ol' Big Brother himself, McBrutality, who is responsible for millions of unnecessary deaths a year (animal and human), repressing freedom of speech and information in the interests of making a profit. Way to go, McBrute!

Unfortunately, McJobs, McCapitalism and McCorruption couldn't be with us today, but they'll all be taking a close personal interest in your lives...

The McFamily - coming to every house on the planet, soon.

> All you Mc Donald's bashers out there need to get a
> life and direct your ignorant brains on some other problem that is
> really a threat to society.

Well, I've got a life, now what shall I do with it?

I've got it! I'll forget my university degree, ignore the planet and go and work in a burger bar!

As for "ignorant"..... schmuck, heal thyself.


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