Curriculum Vitae

name: David Henry Ryde
age: 65
qualifications: Qualified 1952 MB, BS. 1954 Captain RAMC. Awarded fellowship 1979 FRCGP. Upjohn Travelling Scholar 1979. Honorary Life Member of the British Association of Sport and Medicine. Certificate of Accreditation, British Society Medical and Dental Hypnosis.
occupation: Currently retired from NHS - conducting private practice, lecturing and writing.
relevance: Medical Expert

previous experience:

1/ Honorary Clinical Adviser to the National Vegetarian and Vegan societies.

2/ Formerly on Medical Sub Committee of British Olympic Association.

3/ Formerly Chairman of the International Table Tennis Medical Committee 1976-1989.

4/ Medical advisor to several national sports teams.

5/ Travelled abroad 15 times as a medical officer.

6/ Lectured in 6 countries.

7/ About 30 radio and television appearances.

8/ Consulted by police (for hypnotherapy) in murder, rape and scandals.

9/ Numerous lectures to National Medical Organisations.

10/ Numerous articles published in medical and lay press on nutrition,

sports medicine and varied medical topics.

11/ County and University Athlete and Rugby Footballer. Still participates at an appropriate level in several sports.

12/ Commended by the North Korean Government for a report on it's health services.


It will be appreciated that a vegan diet, or near vegan diet is relatively low in fat, sodium and protein. At this point it should be stressed that a balanced vegan diet is not too low in any of these nutrients, rather the standard western fare, to which the vegan diet is compared is excessively high in these nutrients. I began to build up clinical experience, and by treating people with dietary modifications, I was able to improve the outcome, of many common western diseases including angina, obesity, hypertension, pre-menstrual tension, chronic dyspepsia and acne amongst others. This situation became even more impressive when patients made a move towards vegan nutrition.
