witness statement

name: Patrick Smith (on behalf of Veggies Ltd.)
section: Publication
for: The Defence
experience: Involved in legal dispute with McDonald's


"We have never used rainforest beef anywhere in our stores in Central and South America."
Michael Matthews, McDonald's Director of UK Quality

full statement:

Extract from Transcript of Debate Broadcast on Loughborough University Campus Radio Station on 8th December 1993

Speaking: Michael Matthews, McDonald's Director of UK Quality

"I'm here specifically to address the rumours that you put to me about my company. I can also state categorically that we are not in any way trying to fudge the argument on beef use in, say for example, Central America. We are remarkable aware how sensitive that issue is and always has been. We have never used rainforest beef anywhere in our stores in Central and South America. Our suppliers of beef to restaurants in these countries have a high certificate proving that it has not come from rainforested land.

Now Patrick ,that presumably will still not be enough to satisfy you but I'm just telling you that is a fact and if you wish to take me to court over it or...look we've been smeared with rumours from here to next year on the back of McDonald's is a very successful company. It's still seen sadly, here in the UK I'm talking, as an American offshoot which is not true. We have a British Board of Directors, all the decisions are taken over here that are... affect my business and frankly if you took my business out of the high street tomorrow you would still have people eating meat because 95.76% of people in the UK eat meat Patrick, and I suspect the majority always will eat meat whether you like it or not, whether you think the planet can sustain it or not..."

date signed: 8th December, 1993
status: Read out in court
references: Not applicable/ available

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