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You misunderstand me, Jay

Posted by: Mike on July 30, 1998 at 15:15:42:

In Reply to: Religion isn't saving anyones souls. posted by Jay on July 29, 1998 at 10:17:49:

There's a big difference between religion and spirituality. I tend to frown upon religion, with its attendant man-made rules and obeisance to a man-imagined God(s) -- apparentely you feel likewise. Spirituality, however, involves seeing beyond oneself, getting beyond materialism, and acknowledging the fact that we all -- people, animals, plants, everything -- are all wrapped up in the same big enchilada (or food metaphor of your choice). Some of our greatest leaders have been informed by their spirituality, e.g. Gandhi, King, Chief Seattle, even the long-haired troublemaker who pissed off the repressive Romans. Don't knock spirituality, as it is often the driving force behind progressive movements.

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