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What religion is that?

Posted by: Stuart Gort ( USA ) on August 02, 1998 at 23:08:02:

In Reply to: What comes around, goes around posted by Samuel Day Fassbinder on July 07, 1998 at 16:09:26:

: First, the dictionary stuff, from Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary: "bigot\ n [MF, hypocrite, bigot] : one obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his own church, party, belief, or opinion."

: By analogy, could we say that claims that "the Nazis committed genocide in 1941-1945 upon Jews" make Jewish historians bigots? I'm sure the neo-Nazis would love to hear that, but the rest of the world might blanch a bit. What about your claims here? Do they make you a bigot? At any rate, your last criticism of Farinata would seem to apply rather well to you, in your demonization of the Vietnamese. Altruism means more than demonizing your enemies, Stu.

Clever redefination of words aside, imperialistic communism
really did kill a lot of people Sam. Does this historical reality not carry more weight than Frode's wishfull contrivance?
Do you want to believe that capitalism kills 40 million people a
year because it fits into your ideology well?

Stuart Gort

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