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believing to heavily in human nature and an ideology?

Posted by: GERARD ( Socs, N.Ireland ) on April 22, 1998 at 09:49:40:

In Reply to: Putting authority in it's proper place posted by Quincunx on April 21, 1998 at 04:06:15:

: Qx: Oh well, we all come and go. I'm sure there'll be plenty of more brawls along much the same lines and with the good guys winning and the pro-capitalists wondering if they should read some more or not.

And maybe the Anarchists wondering if they're making the same mistake as the Marxists by believing to heavily in human nature and an ideology?

Only keeping you going if it worked your alternatived be great but until then the guys who carry guns and are trained to use violence against the criminals can sustain Law around where I live.

The state just works for me prevents Darwins theory, yeah?

By the way what room do you recommend in that right-wing discussion forum I cant find postings about anyone I know, they all talk about Canadian politics and I've not a notion about how to make a post.

Cheers comrade.

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