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Posted by: Frode Areskjold ( Norway ) on July 03, 1998 at 16:56:23:

In Reply to: How to evaluate Areskjold? posted by Samuel Day Fassbinder on July 02, 1998 at 09:25:19:

A suffocated cry to The World Bank

This highly esteemed and respected institution, have become one of the biological eco-system worst enemies. I could mention endless series of examples; But in this connection I shall only mention three. Firstly:

The financing of the gigantic and scandalous barrage project, Nueva Esperanza in the middle of the most vulnerable part of the rainforest. We can roughly estimate, without any exaggeration, that this project in the first term have eliminated about a hundred unique types of wood, over a thousand genuine plants, of which documented thirtyfore orchids. Further more, some thousand insect-species, seven known, invertebrates, and at least three mammal-species. The high society organisation World Wildlife Fund, ruled by prestige careerists and feeble-minded monarchs and princes, have not lifted a finger to point out this. They derail the attention by concentrating on tigers and pandas; the big and easy visible mammals. Secondary;

The World Bank have made themselves one of the planets biggest criminals by develop the industrial project Ferromangan Corporation. One have calculated that the raw materials to hold this project going will come to an end within ten years. Then, the project will have caused a desert on the size of a middle Latin-American country, a desert of which will not be possible to recreate to good soil. Thirdly:

A fishery project under the name Colectiva Berbao. A gigantic project fully financed by the World Bank and which commit such a selective angle that at least ten species get wiped out every year.

These are the primarily consequences which no researchers doubt. The secondary consequences have we little knowledge about. They will probably turn out to be even more catastrophically, because we will here find a total destruction of a balance that have used millions of years to build. This is how the consequences of the World Banks «short-term good deeds» are.

This is only three examples of a endless and horrible chain linked by people without insight and knowledge, but with great power.

What must be done?

-The World Bank and the rich countries must immediately, and without conditions, remit all underdeveloped countryes dept. Wich force them to sell, plunder and destroy its own natural resourses, to meet the creditor demand.

-Secondly, a extensive total preservation of rainforest in South-America, Asia and Africa must find place. Those countries affected by the preservation, must be given a economical compensation corresponding to the income loss a preservation would lead to.

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