- McDonalds Workers -

Re: next-to-nothing is better than half-of-next-to-nothing:Where's the campaign?

Posted by: The Nit Nurse ( UK ) on May 13, 1996 at 19:43:41:

In Reply to: Double a next-to-nothing wage is still next-to-nothing posted by Siamak on May 10, 1996 at 18:47:14:

: : : i spent a shit summer in a McDonald's branch and could not stand to work
: : : there a moment longer than I had to. I was paid #3.20 an hour for a job

: : Lucky old you, a school cleaner is paid 1:60/hr, a security guard 1:20/hr
: : and a garage forecourt attendant doing night shift a whopping
: : great 2:10/hr. Average wage of a counter assistant in the retail
: : sector is around 2:80 to 3:50/hr

: So let's all be happy with our lot in life because there is always someone
: out there who is worse off than we are!

No let's not all be happy with our lot in life, let's recognise that
there are a whole bunch of people much worse off than a company who
pays an average wage for that sector and work towards improving their
lot, rather than this disingenous soap-boxing about workers
pay in McDonalds being 'the worst'.

: You have probably never worked for McD in your life so you have no idea how harsh
: life can be for their workers. But let me (as someone who spent two years of his
: life slaving away for this company) tell you that considering the amount of work
: that McD extracts from its workers, their total disregard for health and safety
: of their employees, the constant stress that their employees have to endure etc etc,
: their workers deserve much higher wages than they get.

So what? So do the miners, so do the women that have to stick their arms round
toilet U-bends to unblock them. You think working for McDs is bad?
Believe me, you don't know the half of it. If your concern is workers
conditions and low pay, address the real low paid, rather than wasting your
time on a paper tiger chase like this. McDs aren't the lowest paid, nor is
it the 'worst' job by a long chalk.

: By the way, McD workers are paid such extremely low wages

So you keep repeating - but repeating a mantra won't make it
true, facts speak for themselves, plenty people earn half
of what a 'burger flipper' at McDs earns. I don't see anyone
on an evangelical campaign to right this much worse 'wrong'.
How about sewage workers? Now there's a nice low paid job with
such....ummm...'refreshing' working conditions.

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