Packaging - The facts No. 4
McDonald's has always been committed to environmentally sound business policies.

The packaging McDonald's uses today is the result of years of study. Up until the mid - 1970's McDonald's used paper and paperboard packaging for all its products.
But because of serious concerns at that time from environmentalists about the destruction of trees, water pollution and the high use of energy involved in manufacturing paper, we began to re-evaluate our paper packaging choice.

McDonald's uses polystyrene foam packaging for the same reasons hospitals, supermarkets, grocery shops and other restaurants do. It provides the safest, most sanitary, portable way to serve hot, fresh food.

Foam packaging is more energy and resource effecient to produce than paper or cardboard. By contrast, the manufacture of paper requires the destruction of trees and can pollute water. The foam packaging used by McDonald's is completely CFC free, it is recyclable and does not give off toxic emissions. It should also be noted that non biodegradable matter aids decomposition in land fills by forming air pockets, vital to the degredation process.

McDonald's and our packaging suppliers continue to search for new packaging materials. If research comes up with better, safer packaging alternatives, you can rest assured we will use them.

McFact Card

Produced by:
The Public Relations Department
McDonald's Restaurants Limited
11-59 High Road
East Finchley
London N2 8AW
Tel: 0181 883 6400
