- Campaigns -

lets stick to those mcdonalds hurt most

Posted by: james r ( self, wales ) on December 12, 1997 at 18:21:59:

In Reply to: SEXIST -campaign? posted by alexis on December 03, 1997 at 10:48:25:

: please help me start a campaign against the sexist gender specific happy meal toys? McD's has NO right to assume that boys and girls hold the stereotypical roles that society has predetermined for them. It promotes a very unhealthy image to present to kids. HELP ME PLEASE!!!

Alexis,you are intelligent and have a very legitamte concern.However,the evils of gender stereotyping(and fuck,it hurts seeing babies programmed with this shit)are the crime of society in general,the various firces of influences.I would like to suggest that in attacking mcdonalds you go for their more specific and direct sins.The brutal enslavement and murder of milions of creatures,the destruction of the environment etc are such examples,quantifiable by masses of evidence.Every other shop in the high street is guilty of sexist stereotyping,whereas not all share mcdonalds major crimes to such an extent.
The whole cosmetic industryis sexist,for example,and the fact that females buy into it 100% is a scary example of how social programming is internalised.So,you're right,but lets stick to those mcdonalds hurt mostxxxjames r

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