- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Play it again, Sam. Here's mud in your eye...

Posted by: Frenchy on January 10, 19100 at 11:56:22:

In Reply to: I only have eyes for you, sweetheart ;P posted by MDG on December 30, 1999 at 16:27:41:

: : : You sure know how to pick 'em, Frenchy. This time a missive from a dweeb employed by the Cato Institute, yet another libertarian outfit which equates health and safety regulations with the Devil himself. In other words, your friends at junkscience.com may be hazardous to your health.

: :
: : Here's the 'dweebs' credentials;

: :
: : Milloy holds a B.A. in Natural Sciences from the Johns Hopkins University, a
: : Master of Health Sciences in Biostatistics from the Johns Hopkins University
: : School of Hygiene and Public Health, a Juris Doctorate from the University of
: : Baltimore, and a Master of Laws from the Georgetown University Law Center.

: Yeah, I read that too. I didn't say the guy was stupid (though I've met plenty of meatheads who've managed to score degrees). I merely took one look at his PICTURE and the word "Dweeb" immediately sprang to mind.

: : If that's a dweeb, then, yeah, by all means, include me in.

: You're not a dweeb; you're a misguided conservative. Or, maybe you are a dweeb too -- I'll have to take your word for it. ;P

: : Isn't science wonderful?

: Yes, and when the overwhelming scientific consensus supports global warming as a real and happening phenomenon, as is now the case, then it's time to take off the ideological blinders and gaze into the hot sun of reality.

Overwhelming?? Uh, the reason I posted this was to show that the consensus is ununanimous, or inunanimous, or unanimous not.
This is the thing that kills me, it's like dueling PhD's. My PhD's bigger and better than your PhD!
No it's not!
Is not!

I mean, science becomes pretty meaningless when it becomes politicized, doesn't it?

The climate is warming.
It's done it before.

The climate is cooling.
It's done that before too.

The thing that is to be despised by all level headed people of good will is attempts to acheive political aims, such as those of some enviro-wackos, using environmental science as a Trojan Horse.

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