- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Oh yeah, him

Posted by: Frenchy on February 29, 19100 at 13:36:29:

In Reply to: their just dumb people with cash. posted by Lark on February 28, 19100 at 16:36:49:

: They're all dumb.

Well, that explains it then.

: : No matter how tedious a persons job is that doesn't prevent him from continuing his own education and pursuing his own goals. Night school, courses, two jobs, whatever it takes.
: : Just do it.

: You'd still be dumb, American education produces dumb people, you couldnt all hack it in Europe, especially not Northern Ireland, dumb people go to American Uni's because they know the dollar rules in the US they can buy degrees and qualifications to make them look not as dumb but the really smart people, people like me, know their just dumb people with cash.

: Oh, there are exceptions to the generally intellegent Europeans, like that Dumb Shit Von Mises.

Oh yeah, him, the guy along with Menger who put the kabosh on Marxism.
Why lookee here

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