12th February, 1996 McSpotlight, an on-line interactive library of information and communication, makes freely and easily available across the globe everything that McDonald's don't want the public to know. It is the most comprehensive source of information on a multinational corporation ever assembled.
McSpotlight is the latest and the most dynamic tool of the movement against McDonald's and all it stands for. As one of the new breed of Internet sites starting to make full use of the world's most powerful and revolutionary communication system, McSpotlight combines text, graphics, video and audio into a readily accessible and interactive package that can be used by campaigners, journalists, researchers, scientists, and surfers alike - not to mention all McDonald's customers and employees who want to know the truth.
The McLibel Trial and the issues at its heart (diet and ill-health, destruction of the environment, animal welfare, exploitation of children through advertising and workers through low pay) provide the focus for the site. The McLibel Two (Helen Steel & Dave Morris) have stood up and fought against McDonald's attempts to bully and intimidate the company's critics into silence. The climate of fear that McDonald's tactics have created in the past is fast being eroded, and the Internet will be the final nail in the coffin of McDonald's attempts to suppress criticism. They cannot hide the truth anymore!
For more details about McSpotlight, please see further press release attached.
Please note: the McLibel Support Campaign is supportive of, but independent from, McSpotlight which is a project of the McInformation Network based in 14 countries.
McLibel Support Campaign
c/o 5 Caledonian Road
London N1 9DX
Tel/Fax +44-(0)171 713 1269