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Meanwhile back at Uncle Sham's Ranch.....

Posted by: Quincunx ( IWW ) on July 01, 1998 at 09:57:20:

In Reply to: Re: Do not trust Uncle Sam! posted by Stuart Gort on June 30, 1998 at 19:11:45:

Stu: Well well, Do you see how difficult it is to make a point without resorting to wild rhetoric? It isn't very easy is it? It takes a good deal of time to make a literate and thoughtful point.

Qx: So you decide to answer it with a holier-than-thou approach by trying to use shame as a weapon?. Really Stu...your response to Frode's initial posting is just too hysterical.

Stu:I take great umbrage with those who who sloganeer with such snipets as "The terror on the big level is performed by polite and correct gentlemen in suit, attach case and credit card. The terror the rich upper classperform: against the poor majority on this planet is the biggest genocide ever committed".

Qx: Well, at least he's backing ot up and here's some more back up.Can you go word for word on this with anybody else here? C'mon Stu...give it a try.

Stu: Reading your initial post titled, "USA: mother of
: Terrorism", I bristle because it is meant to provoke. The function of
: the rhetoric was to provoke. It generalizes and condemns a very large
: group of people, the indivduals of which you cannot know personally.
: In some circles this is known as bigotry.

Qx: In some circles (such as right wing think tanks) these charges aren't even answered but ignored due to the fact that the evidence is available and overwhelming. Omission is the weapon of last resort in corporate media.

Stu: If you will concede that the actions of exploitive capitalists do
not define all capitalist we can talk because there is much good to
be said of people along with the criminals types you focus on. If you
seperate people into acceptable and unacceptable because of their
income without taking the time to know them, you have much to be
ashamed of. If you insist that capitalism is evil and you know a
better way, you haven't correctly understood evil and its origins and
haven't seen it at work in all the other 'isms out there.

Qx: Like the evils of Calvinism and the theological gymnastics used to defend the indefensible? Take the case of South Africa for example. The Dutch Reformed Church is little more than a joke and it isn't secular humanism that did it in.

Stu: Perhaps I'm wrong and you are the one who has the world saving plan. Well, let's hear it Frode. Try using the calmer approach as
demonstrated in your second post. I'm far more likely to concentrate
if I don't have the distraction of defending myself against charges of
being a terrorist.

Qx: How about charges of promoting a profoundly passive existence by thinking Jesus will pick up all the pieces when he lands in Jerusalem to end Armageddon? Not bloody likely to happen but it makes for great comedy while the world is coaxed into apathy by the present consumer lifestyle packaged as the American Dream. All the while corporate ideologues preach about the glories of globalization while the majority of the planet's population races to the bottom.

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