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Evolutionism: Truth in Advertising?

Posted by: Robert on March 02, 1999 at 18:36:47:

One of the more curious aspects of the evolutionist's religion (ie. belief in a flesh and blood connexion with animals) is the lack of truth in advertising and hence, his promotion of misleading myths. A few anthropological examples of the imaginary stooping ape-men will help illustrate the point well here:

1) DuBois in the late 1800's discovered Java Man, classified him as Pithecanthropus and attempted to pawn him off as a "stooping" ape-man. He hid the leg bones of this creature below the floorboards of his house for twenty years. This was done in order to hide the fact that the old chap was really both fully upright and bi-pedal, not stooping at all.

2) Java "Man" the Sequel, was done up in 1926. This was another Pithecanthropus and was billed as a prodigious breakthrough. It later turned out to be the knee bone of an extinct elephant. (Perhaps we'll be treated to Java Man Meets Abbot and Costello next, I can't wait.)

3) The famous Piltdown "Man" was a mixture of ape and human remains with filed-down teeth and coloration to make the "evidence" fit the fashioned theory. It was paraded around through museums and photographed in "scientific" journals for many years until it was finally declared a hoax.

4) The Nebraska "Man" jaw bone was used as conclusive evidence to support evolutionism at the Scopes monkey trials. Little did the judge who issued the verdict know that this "conclusive evidence" was really the jaw bone and tooth of an extinct boar which roamed the North American plains.

5) Johanson found 'Lucy' in the Afar triangle, classified her as an Australo-aferenis. Since only bits of the skull were recovered a substitute skull was used hiding the real size of her brain. It turns out that 'Lucy' (or perhaps 'Luke' now, apparently the gender is in question) is fully upright and bi-pedal not half-stooping as originally depicted.

Evolutionists are frustrated by the fact that the stooping ape-man exists nowhere in the fossil record. After more than a century of finds (and frauds), all skeletons to date are either of primates (tree climbers / knuckle walkers) or hominids (upright walker bi-pedalists). Johanson himself laments the fact, "We have no fossils yet that tell us what went on during the in-between time". By the in-between time period he means the vital supposed ape-man period when it is assumed that quadrupedal knuckle-walking apes gradually walked upright.

Now isn't this curious. How many times have you seen the famous row of stooping ape-men depicted in pictures? That's right, "science" books, National Geographic glossy coloured fold-outs, and made-for-TV propaganda continually bombarding us with this myth. In reality, these stooping ape-men merely exist in the minds of the artists who created them. No actual fossils support these imaginative drawings.

A good question to ask yourself is: Is the Smithsonian exhibit's Row of Stooping Ape-Men made of real bones or plastic? (After all, this is a premier "scientific" museum, isn't it?)

When you have found out the answer, then an even better question to ask is: Why don't any of the signs in this exhibit hall openly state the actual composition of these "specimens"? A bit of a truth in advertising problem, perhaps?

Since you are being tempted to swallow this evolution myth, it would behoove you to know exactly what you are getting into. You are ultimately being asked to believe in the materialists' religion, that is, a blending of the human race with nature. If you want to believe that, it is certainly your right to do so, however evolutionists will not be so candid in telling you this from the outset. Again, a truth in advertising problem, perhaps?

Moreover, once you've been corrupted by this myth, you must then submit to a flesh and blood master. The materialists' religion makes you a spiritual convert. Is this not Imperialism?

The question that I've been asking for several months now still goes unanswered:

Why would anyone eagerly desire to be enslaved by their Imperial corrupter?

Again, I am reminded of the Jefferson Airplane song:

"When the truth is found, to be lies,
and all the joy within you dies,
Don't you want somebody to love?
Don't you need somebody to love?
Wouldn't want somebody to love?
You'd better find somebody to love.

That Someone (Jesus Christ) can be found in the joy and happiness of the Holy Spirit, not in the submission to an earthly king brought on by misleading myths. God Bless.


McSpotlight: Robert, this is nearly a carbon copy of a post you've made before.

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