- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Yes, you do--and read me a Horatio Alger story

Posted by: Ted ( Tuck-ins R Us, Madison, WI, USA ) on September 09, 1997 at 02:35:21:

In Reply to: Whine some more teddy...do I have to tuck you in too? posted by Kevin on September 08, 1997 at 19:52:45:

You're welcome to tuck me in, but remember it's potentially dangerous. Someone might accuse you of being in bed with the liberals.

: I would assume that you are not only an english professor; but a whiner who talks in grandiose terms about the welfare of the world with no specifics except the occasional appeal to a heart string.

That would be two more incorrect assumptions that you have. If being
able to put a period at the end of a sentence qualifies one as an
English professor, then I'll be sending out resumes. And I've been
quite specific about the predatory characteristics of capitalism. You,
on the other hand, can only offer absurdities about having your spirit
uplifted by grasping for dollars.

: There is no common sense in the notion that I should subsidize your lifestyle simply because I choose to work harder and are more successful than you.

I'm duly impressed with your hard work and success, but apparently you
aren't mature enough to realize it could end at any time. What you
call a lifestyle subsidy is actually a premium on an insurance policy
that you may have to collect on someday. Your hard-workin', successful
colleagues in the private sector won't be there to bail you out.

: It is not about amassing wealth, you armchair democrat, it is about having the ability to develop my talents, invest my time and energy into developing the team I work worth, achieve a goal, and reap the benefits...

It's not just a job, it's an adventure. You may take pleasure from
exercising authority over the "team", but most people have to work at
unsatisfying jobs just to put food on the table. Unlike you, they
don't work to feed their ravenous egos.

: The problem with your argument is that you think all those that are unfortunate are there because they are purely victims of this beast you despise....guess what ted, a lot of people are not interested in working for anything, and they beleive that society owes them a debt, as shocked as it may be for you to hear that....there are just as many as them as there are those you speak of who are duly oppresed.....

I'm shocked to hear that. You must have conducted extensive field research to reach that conclusion. That's the best you can do--stereotypes about lazy people who want a handout?
There are not enough jobs available for people who want to work, as
shocked as you may be to hear that. Of those jobs that are available,
many of them do not pay a living wage, as shocked as you may be to hear
that also.

: Then get off your ass and change it ted. It is not a sports analogy, yet I would imagine it would seem terrible to someone who just wants to take what other people have anyway.....if you are unhappy where you are, begin once a week to develop your options, it will take time and energy....so maybe a check from the government, or feeling self righteouss is less time consuming and still feeds your ego..

Judging from the number and length of your posts, you're on your ass
more than I am. Not everyone who is opposed to capitalism wants a
check from the government. It's easy for those of you who are happy
with the entrenched elites to lecture the rest of us on working to change the system. You only have to keep going to work and coming home,
and the powers that be will take care of things for you.

: vote with your dollar ted, call a politician, run for community council.....did you even vote? The trouble is too many people like you who do not know enough about the system choses only to glob onto large, generic and tired ideals to keep yourself going...

Sartre once called elections "a trap for fools". We don't have a two-party system here in America. We have one big party for capitalism. Which is why people like yourself are so enamored of it.
I voted and campaigned and signed petitions for about ten years. Now
I know better. You'll be happy to know I still contribute to leftist
organizations, and boycott atrocities like McDonalds.

:...sorry buddy, but this is real life and nobody gets a free ride...the world is opening up, and all you are talking about is to live in a happy global village....may sound nice, but not for a hundred years will we see the socialism you espouse.

For someone who's not worried about it, you sure do argue strenuously
against it.

: You do not even know what a CEO does, other than you very generic and cynical understanding.....it only fuels the fire of your own ignorance....if you knew who the real world worked you would be insulted by your own lack of objectivity or understanding...

Well, that's a tad overblown, but I'm disappointed that you didn't take
the opportunity to explain this creature, the CEO, to me. Apparently
fifteen years of observing them has failed to endow me with understanding, unlike yourself. What do they do, besides deciding the
fate of others based on profit and loss statements? What do they do,
besides taking the lion's share of their employees' production and
buying a summer home with it? How do they arrive at their conclusions,
such as UPS deciding that a billion dollars in profit wasn't enough to
justify 10,000 new full-time jobs?

What kind of mad geniuses are they?

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