- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Whine some more teddy...do I have to tuck you in too?

Posted by: Kevin on September 08, 1997 at 19:52:45:

In Reply to: Lip service from the right wing--what else is new posted by Ted on September 07, 1997 at 13:26:10:

: : Ya ya ya....this was not the point of my statement...I suppose my sarcasm was not picked up by the touchy feely idealist and erudition of our noble socialist humanitarian.....I am saddened that your response is nothing but another banter from the platform of 'I knew you would say that'....

: I'm a touchy-feely noble socialist humanitarian? I knew you would say
: that.

: : Perhaps I should be clearer...

: Yes, you should. You can start by learning the basics of punctuation.
: It also wouldn't hurt to learn how to form sentences into a coherent
: line of thought.

I would assume that you are not only an english professor; but a whiner who talks in grandiose terms about the welfare of the world with no specifics except the occasional appeal to a heart string.
: :...your notion of common sense...I am waiting for this penetrating insight...

: Well, wait no longer. It's common sense to suppose that people want
: decent food, clothing, shelter, and medical care. It's common sense
: to believe that if they don't have the opportunity to obtain those
: things, they're going to get a bit unruly. It's common sense to think
: that lectures on the beauty of the free market and trickle-down economics aren't going to mean a lot to someone who's just been a victim of "downsizing" and has a family to feed. It's common sense to
: refrain from chastising people on welfare, because the whims of your
: employer could put you in the same position at any time. If any of
: these insights don't penetrate you, then you're a good candidate for
: a job in conservative journalism. There's very little common sense
: there.

There is no common sense in the notion that I should subsidize your lifestyle simply because I choose to work harder and are more successful than you. I am more than willing to assist and develop, but I will not give you anything.....help yourself. Look in the history books ted, and you can describe for me a situation in which your fantastical and equaly notions have been satisfied...start living in the practical world.....

: :... you only have to rely on deep seeded emotion and a gut feeling that tells yourself that you are an open minded objective philanthropist.....b.s.

: No I don't. Other people tell me I am. However, I do have a gut feeling that tells me you're a closed-minded, greedy Republican-type.

I do not expect anything to be handed to me, just because I exist in this world, if that is what you mean. I have rights, but I also have responsibilities.

: : Perhaps some education is in order.....When one speaks of capitalism and its merits, you all jump on the populist, corporation is evil, look at what happens when I turn on my television and watch all the commericials banter.......this in and of itself does not speak of pure capitalism just as you would say the soviet union represented communism...so get the facts straight...

: Well, Forbes magazine says this is a capitalist country, and they
: should know. On the other hand, the CEO of Archer Daniels Midland says
: we're socialist (because of government subsidies to corporations). So
: you see how difficult you money-lovin' folks are making this for me.

Hey in your mind that should be great news...more dogma for you to confuse the argument with.

: :. It is so disheartening to watch you write about how if you do not climb the corporate ladder that you are a cynic.....what a croc...

: You mean "Kroc", as in Ray. But that's not what I said. I was
: referring to your constant use of the word "cynical" to describe those
: of us who have lives which are not based on amassing wealth.

It is not about amassing wealth, you armchair democrat, it is about having the ability to develop my talents, invest my time and energy into developing the team I work worth, achieve a goal, and reap the benefits....look into it, it is called sacrifice and hard work.

: : Nobody is saying that there is no inequality that results in this, or any other scenario that you would like to discuss....the point is that the incentive provided by capitalims often does elevate the human spirit....and it is not all just about money...

: Gee, capitalism sure is wonderful. Who could have imagined a system
: that elevates your spirit while simultaneously allowing you to own
: multiple houses and cars while less fortunate people starve. You're
: right; it's not just about money. It's about power and alienation too.

And? The problem with your argument is that you think all those that are unfortunate are there because they are purely victims of this beast you despise....guess what ted, a lot of people are not interested in working for anything, and they beleive that society owes them a debt, as shocked as it may be for you to hear that....there are just as many as them as there are those you speak of who are duly oppresed.....

: :..The mass majority of the money is held by a very small percentage of the population....most people are not rich....those that work, don't all work because they have to or are being oppressed...alot of us actually like what we do, are excited, see potential in working with a team and motivating an organization to achieve results...

: Keep those hackneyed sports analogies coming, coach. It's nice to know
: your work is a balm for your soul, but most of us aren't so lucky.

Then get off your ass and change it ted. It is not a sports analogy, yet I would imagine it would seem terrible to someone who just wants to take what other people have anyway.....if you are unhappy where you are, begin once a week to develop your options, it will take time and energy....so maybe a check from the government, or feeling self righteouss is less time consuming and still feeds your ego..

: course the majority of the wealth is held by a small percentage of the
: population. What do you think we're referring to when we speak of
: inequity?

: :...'on the backs of others you would say'.....my ass. If you want the right to say what you want to say and live in a democracy that respect your ability and individualism, then you are bound by capitalism...

: Bound and gagged by it, actually. The notion of freedom of expression
: being tied to economic exploitation is not a new one. It's a joke
: that's been told many times. Trouble is, too many people take it
: seriously.

Vote with your dollar ted, call a politician, run for community council.....did you even vote? The trouble is too many people like you who do not know enough about the system choses only to glob onto large, generic and tired ideals to keep yourself going....I am not in the upper class, or have led a life of priviledge....I know who the sytem works and it can do wonders with peoples abilites and talents.....it is too bad, the only thing you can argue about is the lack of what it has done for you and those that feel the same......sorry buddy, but this is real life and nobody gets a free ride...the world is opening up, and all you are talking about is to live in a happy global village....may sound nice, but not for a hundred years will we see the socialism you espouse.

: :...I agree that the inequalities must be adeqautely addressed, yet not my placing the pot in the middle and passing around the cup......you sir, have your work cut out for you...

: Unlike the CEOs in their plush offices, who haven't done any work in a long time. Yes, you agree that inequality must be "addressed", but
: never eradicated. Lip service from the right wing--what else is new.
: When anyone else actually "addresses" problems with capitalism, as
: we're doing on this site, you react with outrage.

You do not even know what a CEO does, other than you very generic and cynical understanding.....it only fuels the fire of your own ignorance....if you knew who the real world worked you would be insulted by your own lack of objectivity or understanding....

: We're not fooled.

I would not expect you to be fooled....only reinforce your own ignorance with emotion rather than fact......slap a label on the right wing and tuck yourself to bed ted.....

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