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Do not trust Uncle Sam!

Posted by: Frode Areskjold ( Norway ) on June 29, 1998 at 19:21:53:

In Reply to: Disgusting! posted by Stuart Gort on June 26, 1998 at 15:55:56:

It seem to me that you are blindfolded by the American flag. Let me tell you a story, about The World Bank.


President Clinton has said, "America is the world's indispensable nation, the one the world looks to for leadership because of our strength and our values." He also said that it is because of our high standing that we must intervene in the Rwandan refugee crisis.

Many Americans are patting themselves on the back for their goodness and generosity toward other nations in the earth. Some conservatives chide this nation's policy of giving money, food, and other assistance to developing nations, as though our government did this out of some compulsive generosity. What the Colonel wasn't thinking about, as well as most Americans, is that American "humanitarian aid" comes with some pretty thick ropes attached.

Global Banker - Glad to Help!

The new rulers of these African nations were eager to raise the capital needed to keep them in power, and were more than willing to accept the generous offer of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to bail them out of their troubles. The huge loans made to these inept politicians were squandered on band-aid measures for the population and extravagant living for themselves. Soon all of Africa was saddled with a huge amount of debt and in need of more loans to maintain the status quo.

The World Bank and IMF were sympathetic to their troubles and offered more assistance as long as there were "certain reforms". Some of these reforms included the opening up of natural resources to transnational corporations to mine and export. Royalties from these exports would help service the debts of the African nations.

As the colonial profiteer faded from the African continent, he was replaced by the huge transnational corporations. Africans imagine that they are self ruled now, but they are ruled more firmly by foreign money in the new order than they ever were by the colonists of the old order. This is how the World Bankers would have it.

The African nations are forced to maintain the colonial borders that cross tribal lines. Every time an African nation descends into tribal conflict and anarchy and threatens to obliterate those borders, Belgian, French or American troops rush in and prop up whatever form of government exists. It benefits the transnational corporations and world bankers to keep Africa in turmoil, at the precipice of disaster, without obliterating those political entities that serve their interests.

World Bank Creates Famine and Despair

This state of chaos is being preserved in Central Africa today. In the early 1990's, the World Bank and the IMF forced certain "free market" reforms on Rwanda, just as it was facing civil war. These reforms, called "Scenario II" by the World Bank, coupled with a collapse in coffee prices (Rwanda's main export), caused the country's economy and public service sector to collapse. In early 1994 there was widespread famine in the southern provinces. This desperate situation formed the catalyst that caused the ethnic blood bath between the Tutsis and Hutus, and resulted in the mass extermination of over half a million people, as well as the displacement of a million refugees into Zaire and the internal displacement of a million refugees within Rwanda.

It is apparent that the World Bank bears a significant weight of responsibility for the massacres in Rwanda. Economic factors make or break social fabric, and the World Bank had assumed dictatorial powers in Rwanda's economy, as well as the value of its currency on the exchange. If the economists at the World Bank and the IMF understand the machinations of economics, how is it that they created a slaughter of such catastrophic proportions? Could it be they meant well, but made a grave error? It is doubtful that they made a mistake in Rwanda because the same scenario is repeating itself in most of sub-sahara Africa, resulting in the slaughter of tens of millions of Africans in the last 25 years. Since this is evidently a deliberate policy, what could the motive be for creating such a catastrophe?

The financial powers that rule the world from behind the scenes would have us believe that the world is becoming a "kinder, gentler" place as President Bush predicted in his speech before the United Nations in 1991. In reality, this world is now ruled by a power that is more cruel and sinister than Stalin and Hitler combined. It is more evil because of the overpowering illusion of benevolence that it uses to disguise its global conquest. This same illusion was promoted by President Clinton in his weekly radio address when he said, "As the world's most powerful nation, we cannot turn our back when so many people, especially so many innocent children, are at mortal risk....We know the mission is not risk-free, but hundreds of thousands of people are in desperate need. This is the right thing to do." The mention of "innocent children" seems to never fail in obtaining public agreement for politicians' murderous designs.

Do not tell me to be ashamed of myself!

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