- Capitalism and Alternatives -

The high and mighty socialist....

Posted by: Kevin on September 06, 1997 at 18:37:21:

In Reply to: Apologists for capitalism are easily threatened posted by Ted on September 05, 1997 at 19:21:18:

Ya ya ya....this was not the point of my statement...I suppose my sarcasm was not picked up by the touchy feely idealist and erudition of our noble socialist humanitarian.....I am saddened that your response is nothing but another banter from the platform of 'I knew you would say that'....

Perhaps I should be clearer.....your notion of common sense...I am waiting for this penetrating insight.....I apologize if my arguments follow the logic of rationality, I suppose when you are an idealist such as yourself, living in a world where you think that everyone just want to live the same, and have the same rights, roles, and responsibilites, you only have to rely on deep seeded emotion and a gut feeling that tells yourself that you are an open minded objective philanthropist.....b.s.

Perhaps some education is in order.....When one speaks of capitalism and its merits, you all jump on the populist, corporation is evil, look at what happens when I turn on my television and watch all the commericials banter.......this in and of itself does not speak of pure capitalism just as you would say the soviet union represented communism...so get the facts straight.... It is so disheartening to watch you write about how if you do not climb the corporate ladder that you are a cynic.....what a croc....I hate to bring this to your attention, but look at the tool you are using right now? The mold is broken every day, the jobs and abilities of people signify creativity, using tools like networking and the internet to open the universe to all the possiblities....you have all the resources in the world to make a difference and enjoy and develop your interests and talents...nobody is tying your ass to a chair and asking you to join the rat race....do you beleive everything you read on tv? As sad as you all speak....the for profit system provides the incentive, and abuse, of personal power ..the potential is there for every system....if it was socialism, or communism, it would still be an issue of power....this is human nature we are talking about........

Nobody is saying that there is no inequality that results in this, or any other scenario that you would like to discuss....the point is that the incentive provided by capitalims often does elevate the human spirit....and it is not all just about money....The mass majority of the money is held by a very small percentage of the population....most people are not rich....those that work, don't all work because they have to or are being oppressed...alot of us actually like what we do, are excited, see potential in working with a team and motivating an organization to achieve results......'on the backs of others you would say'.....my ass. If you want the right to say what you want to say and live in a democracy that respect your ability and individualism, then you are bound by capitalism....otherwise off to china you go with you and your collective spirit....yet do not be naive enough to beleive that even this is tied to attaining wealth for the chinese by exporting their goods to mature capitalist markets....it works.

Balance will always be an issue.....however, at present , the only system that provides the incentive to excel is one based on individuals self interest....if you want to change that, then you must change the motivation that people follow......and this is the task at hand...the socialist is naive enough to beleive that all everyone wants is to share the big pie.....I agree that the inequalities must be adeqautely addressed, yet not my placing the pot in the middle and passing around the cup......you sir, have your work cut out for you...

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